So what is it?

So what is it?...

For those of you who have stumbled across this, or are just having a quick browse through curiosity; what is the Appalachian Trail? Well, it's a footpath. In North America. Going from Springer Mountain in Georgia, north to Mount Katahdin in Maine, covering a distance of somewhere between 2000 and 2180 miles depending on which source you read. The 30% of aspirational thru-hikers that complete it take 4-6 months, cross 14 states, take 5 million steps, and I've heard somewhere that they climb the equivalent of 16 Everest's. Ok, enough about the manliness of the feat at hand; its basically going to be a cracking walk through some beautiful environments and (I hope) one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences in my life.

For those of you who're interested I'm going to keep this page updated as I plan, prepare, and eventually hike the trail. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!

Sunday, 5 January 2014

71 days...

Hope you've all had an awesome Christmas and New Year! Been pretty busy over Christmas but things are beginning to quieten down again so I've got chance to get the last few bits sorted. So... to re-cap!

My visa has been approved, flights have been booked, and my shuttle from the airport and night in the hiker hostel ( booked. I've been browsing through data and guide books so have a good idea of where replens and town stop-overs are for the first few weeks walking. I've decided against food drops purely because of the logistics of sorting them out from here in the UK; depending on how I get on without them I might consider getting a bounce-box going a bit later on.

Kit-wise I'm just about there. I've bought my boots (settled for the Salomon Cosmics in the end: reviews to follow!) and worn them to the point of being nicely broken in. An MSR Whisperlite International liquid fuel stove is on order which should work very efficiently indeed with the Primus Eta Pot. Just got to get a few dry bags and put together a first aid kit and I'm sorted!

Going to lay out all of my gear tomorrow and see what I need/ can get rid of.

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