So what is it?

So what is it?...

For those of you who have stumbled across this, or are just having a quick browse through curiosity; what is the Appalachian Trail? Well, it's a footpath. In North America. Going from Springer Mountain in Georgia, north to Mount Katahdin in Maine, covering a distance of somewhere between 2000 and 2180 miles depending on which source you read. The 30% of aspirational thru-hikers that complete it take 4-6 months, cross 14 states, take 5 million steps, and I've heard somewhere that they climb the equivalent of 16 Everest's. Ok, enough about the manliness of the feat at hand; its basically going to be a cracking walk through some beautiful environments and (I hope) one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences in my life.

For those of you who're interested I'm going to keep this page updated as I plan, prepare, and eventually hike the trail. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Hi folks,

It's not Will, unfortunately he's having some issues signing in to the blog to keep it updated. Hopefully this problem shall be resolved soon, although for the next 8/9 day he'll be taking on the Smokies, so this'll have to do for now.

It's going really well, some rather extreme changes in weather, but all in all he's pleased with his kit and how the trail is going. Meeting lots of wonderful people and is in a group of four who have all fallen into the same rhythm. They had a rest day yesterday at Fontana and are hoping to reach Hot Springs in just over a week.

Right, so, some pictures (not in any particular order I'm afraid, no doubt Will'll arrange at a later date)...

                                                          L-R: Will, Wes, Simon, Bri

Hopefully more to come soon first hand from the trail.